Citius | Altius | Fortius
Even though the title is in Latin, this entry has not a lot to do with the Olympic. Yes, Faster, Higher, and Stronger I shall be! Well that’s what it means in English. Anyway, it’s an Olympic motto that I have just learned about watching TV today. Pretty interesting eh? Moreover, is it me or is the Olympic every four years adds more and more events within each sport.
Anyhow, I'm going to try to start learning and relearning some new and old vocabulary words before school starts in a month or whatever left of my unpredictable summer vacation. I have figured in order to learn these words well, I have to try to come up with some sentences for them. So if you see any mistakes, and I’m sure there are plenty. Let me know.
Here is my first set for the day:
emaciate - During this flu season, Joe was emaciated due to his sickness and lost some weights.
doctrinaire - Only a doctrinaire person would cantankerously follow a principal without any regard to its practicality. (Hard one, couldn’t think of anything else)
stark - There are stark similarities between the Siamese twins. (hehe…I’m the master of the obvious!)
implacable - Both partners in the relationship remained implacable after a long fight.
cajole - I have successfully cajoled Joe Blob to go back to school with the promise that he will find a better job when he graduates.
ascetic - If you don’t play UT2004, you are being an ascetic person and denying one of life’s pleasures! (ok ok this isn’t the best example for the word, but I like it! Usually this word is used for labeling a religious person who is self-discipline and self-denial)
inertia - Joe’s inertia to new video games is incredible due to his dedication to the 8-bit generation of video games (ok it’s a stupid example, but it’s 4 AM in the morning, don’t expect much!)
pedant - There were many pendants, who thinks they know everything, today in the lecturing hall as the professor was asking questions about the reading the night before.
Ok I think that’s enough for tonight. Wow that took a while…well I was watching the Olympic at the same time too. =]
I think I know what I will do with the Penguin Origami Kit that I bought from San Francisco. But I can’t post anything up here probably not until next week when I can borrow a camera from work. I guess we will just have to wait and see then….
Posted by Son at August 28, 2004 04:58 AM