August 19, 2004
Fall Quarter Grad Courses at UCI
Here is my tentative schedule for this coming Fall Quarter at UCI for graduate school. Just in case anyone cares... =]
I&C Sci 200 SEM IN RESEARCH IN ICS-----F 01:00-02:50
I&C Sci 205 HUMAN-CMPTR INTERACTN----M W 04:00-05:20
I&C Sci 260 FUND ALGORITHMS-------------T T 03:30-04:50
I&C Sci 270A INTRO ARTIFICIAL INTEL-----T T 11:00-12:20
I'm going to be having classes every weekday of the week. Going to be another tough 2 years to come. Hopefully I will get some cool professors.
So I sat down and actually calculated things out. If I'm going to USC for graduate school, it would have cost me about 10 thousand dollars more and that's 10 grands I don't have. Furthermore, USC won't give me any grants either. and UCI did give me a grant, so that's cool.
Well, I hope I have chosen the right school to go for my Master.
One month exactly left of my so called summer vacation.
Posted by Son at August 19, 2004 03:58 AM
//begin news update
Wow you are actually lucky - I start on August 26th. That's next week. Oh crap.
//end news update
//1-B-ii. USERSELECT-UPTABLE-NOSUBDIVISIONS - no subdivisions for this class - STANDARD
echo "
document.getElementById('subdivision_select').options.length = 0;\n
document.getElementById('subdivision_select').options[0] = new Option(\"\",\"ignore\");\n
document.getElementById('division_select').options[0] = new Option(\"\",\"\");\n";
$result5 = mysql_query( "SELECT AS division_name, pdivision.pdivision_id AS division_id,
FROM pdivision, pclass
WHERE pdivision.pclass_id=pclass.pclass_id
AND pclass.pclass_id='$class_id'
" );
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result5)) {
$division_id = $row[division_id];
$result6 = mysql_query( "SELECT AS division_name, pdivision.pdivision_id AS division_id
FROM pdivision, pclass
WHERE pdivision.pclass_id=pclass.pclass_id
" );
$count = 1;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result6)) {
$division_name_2 = $row[division_name];
$division_id_2 = $row[division_id];
echo "
document.getElementById('division_select').options[$count] = new Option(\"$division_name_2\",\"$subdivision_id_2\");\n";
if( $division_id == $division_id_2 ) {
$select_count = $count;
echo "
//activate the go_up onChange code for division
document.getElementById('division_select').options[$select_count].selected = true;\n
Sorry for the above annoying comment. Maybe I should stick to the Harpo method of communication.
Naw, it's ok to post annoying comments. A comment is a comment, I'm not complaining.
By the way, dude, you forgot to comment out the line
/* Wow you are actually lucky - I start on August 26th. That's next week. Oh crap. */
So PHP will give you a biggo error for that.
hahahaha don't correct our comments son!
and if a comment is a comment, is a table still a table?
//yes, exactly!
$table = "orange";
$comment = "table";