August 23, 2004


Here is my license to frag (kill) from Unreal Tournament 2004. Just another random screenshots to add to my random collection.

Tonight, my friend, Devin, up in Sacramento sent me this of his conversation with one of my other friends, David (the first person I spoke to when I attended UCI 5 years ago, after my first and only year there, I haven't spoken to him since then until we met again at one of my roommates, Mark's wedding).

(UCIStriker -> Devin)
(Yutaka46 -> David)

Yutaka46: no...just recently got promoted to be a PB
UCIStriker: PB?
Yutaka46: i still have long way to go to become a manager
UCIStriker: perverted bastard?
Yutaka46: personal banker I....

I was laughing pretty hard after reading this. OK..if you are not laughing at this very moment then maybe you are just too...ummm...nevermind, maybe it's just because you don't know who David is...ummm...yeah.

I still haven't had a chance to upload the rest of the San Francisco pictures yet...I want to wait a bit maybe until my stupid domain name is up again.

I'm thinking of just buying a totally different one. If you have any cool suggestions, comment away!!! Anything that is easy to remember and interpret that has the word SON in there is fine. E.g. SONISCRAZY.COM, etc...

Moreover, Omar (old high school friend) called me around 6:00 PM telling me that he overmade spaghetti and that if I want some, I should come over right away before it gets cold. So I quickly finished some Flash redirecting script at work and sped over there, I was pretty damn hungry from not eating anything since the night before. We watched some crazy documentaries on the History Channel about Spies, and now that made me want to become a SPY!!!! Ummm...maybe not really. But I do think they're pretty damn cool...yeah...until they get caught and tortured...OK maybe I'll stick with being a student for now.

Then we headed out to meet Angelic (another old high school friend) at the civic center to play some racquetball. It's Omar's and my first time actually playing racquetball, and might I say, we did pretty well for being first time. It was so funny at the fact that Angelic (who plays regularly) got pecked by the ball a couple of times in her stomach and protected goggles. OK, now that I read this, it's not that funny at all since I have no pictures to back it up...damn another day without a digital camera!!!

Alright...hehe...enough of the incoherent rambling for the night, time to go night night.

Posted by Son at August 23, 2004 10:35 PM
pete - August 24, 2004 12:15 PM

if you think spy stuff is cool, you should watch alias. one of the best tv shows around if you ask me. :smile:

Son - August 24, 2004 04:08 PM

Alias is cool. I don't think I have ever told anyone this but I remember watching one of the very first episodes of it and thinking to myself that this is going to be a successful series and boy...I was right. No kidding either.