August 20, 2004


I keep getting bad heartburn lately, don't know why. I'm not really stressed either. Plus, I'm not staying up that late lately... (Maybe too much UT2004 with my coworkers...hehe)

Listening to my old collection of chinese music lately has made me pretty nostalgic about old times (not that I understand a single word in these songs). Somehow, it doesn't make me sad, but instead it's a happy sad kind of way. It's complicated to explain such feeling.

Man, school is coming up real soon. Time for me to start shopping for my first laptop ( Pete : my own laptop, ok? yeah yeah, I know I still have to return the work laptop back)

The laptop has to have a good video card for me to play games...errr...I mean do homework.....yeah....but it also have to be affordable because I'm so broke at the moment. I know what you would say, "Good luck, Son!" And you know what, &@*#&(*#???!?

Ummm....I would agree with you...but that's part of the fun is to find such deals. Damn I need to go to bed now. I started talking to myself again.

Random Daily Tip: Yahoo Messenger is kind of fun utilizing Macromedia Flash for almost all of its interactive features. It does take up quite a bit of resources on your computer though, more than AOL Instant Messenger, I presume.

Posted by Son at August 20, 2004 05:56 AM
Roland - August 29, 2004 10:20 AM

ijiue sajxytiqho.