August 29, 2004

It's Over

Yes...the Olympic is over after two weeks. Too was great while it lasted. It was what kept me occupied through some slow dreadful nights in the past 2 weeks besides UT2004. UT2004 was what kept me occupied until everyone is asleep, then the Olympic was there! =] Well...starting tomorrow night I can go back to watching the regularly scheduled Conan O’Brien Late Night and Jay Leno. Man...I watch too much TV late at night...maybe I should get some sleep early tonight.

Wow...I cannot remember the last Olympic whatsoever, I know that it was held in Sydney, but I have no recollection of what I was doing around that time. All I know is that that period of time was a better part of my life than now. If I remember correctly, that was in the summer of the year 2000, and that means it was the starting of my first year at ULV after I have transferred out of UCI. on the link right below this to read more.

Yes...the Olympic is over after two weeks. Too was great while it lasted. It was what kept me occupied through some slow dreadful nights in the past 2 weeks besides UT2004. UT2004 was what kept me occupied until everyone is asleep, then the Olympic was there! =] Well...starting tomorrow night I can go back to watching the regularly scheduled Conan O’Brien Late Night and Jay Leno. Man...I watch too much TV late at night...maybe I should get some sleep early tonight.

Wow...I cannot remember the last Olympic whatsoever, I know that it was held in Sydney, but I have no recollection of what I was doing around that time. All I know is that that period of time was a better part of my life than now. If I remember correctly, that was in the summer of the year 2000, and that means it was the starting of my first year at ULV after I have transferred out of UCI.

Anyhow, the closing ceremony tonight at the birthplace of the Olympic Games was spectacular--especially the Chinese part welcoming everyone to Beijing. I really can't wait until the next Olympic to start. Wow, that will be in FOUR years. Time will fly by quickly as always.

I really wonder what will happen to my life and this crazy world by the year of 2008. Hopefully everything and everybody will be better, and maybe I will be content and happy once again by that time.

Moreover, I stopped by Fry's Electronics earlier today to buy a compact flash card for the digital cameras (even though I don't have a camera yet, but I do plan to buy one soon the meantime, I will probably have to borrow one from work). Man oh man, I'll tell you know when you are f***ed up in the head if you get all emotional and sad standing in line at a store...and that's what happened to me, I got all nostalgic about old times again because of where I was and the city I was in......*sigh...anyways...whatever...

For anyone who cares, the compact flash card is a 512MB one so hopefully I can take some good amount of pictures to post on my super duper muper gallery soon when I go out again.

Maybe in four years, I will find some time off and be able to afford to take a trip to Beijing to see the Olympic Games in person, and if my cousin is still in Vietnam by that time, then he is more than welcome to come and meet me in Beijing...or maybe I'll go and visit Vietnam first, then we both can go to Beijing after that...that would be incredibly sweet…but then again, by that time I will probably be in debt seriously from the graduate school…oh well, it doesn’t hurt to dream big once in a while.

Posted by Son at August 29, 2004 11:10 PM
Devin - August 30, 2004 10:13 AM

Stop watching TV and go out and have fun.

David - August 30, 2004 01:26 PM

Don't forget to buy a camera to go with the flash card. :smile:

J/k I'm sure you'll get along fine without one. Especially if you have a 9-IN-1 CARD READER!!! Oh yeah.

Darren - August 30, 2004 09:46 PM

oh man, i miss watching conan o'brien so much. I'm gonna miss the olympics even more.

Anyway, I think you're actually at a better position in life right now than you feel. You have so much more possibilities outside your doorstep. Remember the bear claws and the fuckin fangs man! You're so fuckin money!

Darren - August 30, 2004 09:48 PM

btw, vocabulary words?

Son - August 30, 2004 10:12 PM

Devin, Yes sir, I shall go out every night and go clubbing every other night from now on!

David, Yes David, the page (demoted), I shall buy a damn camera soon. And yes, 9 in 1 card reader is the sweetest, who needs a camera when you can have THE reader!!!! Just photoshop yourself on some premade pictures on the Internet and then put it on your CF card with the ULTIMATE READER as if you have a camera!!!

Darren, Thanks for the inspirational story about the bear claws and fuckin fangs! Yes...I was busy the last couple nights and was so lazy...maybe I will do some more tonight. If I don't keep doing it, my english skill will revert back to FOB mode!!!