September 17, 2004


Hey Ced, I just realized you have commented on a picture of one of my earlier entries about my pinky finger placement when I'm holding drinking utensils. My answer for your question is that it's just a habit. I have no idea has always been like that since I was little.

Well...anyway...going on with my title, I haven't told too many people of this story but here it goes. Everyone is having ants problem lately that I know of, which reminds me of the time when the pesky little ants decided to bust a D-Day in my room.

Click on the link below to see the rest of my wonderful story....

About a year ago around this time I believe, I had crumbs of sweet cake laying around on my desk and one day I started seeing a few ants here and there scouting around on my computer desk. I would kill every single one of them whenever I see one. I didn't think too much about it since they were just scouting. I did clean up the crumbs though. What I didn’t foresee and anticipate was the fact that they were getting ready for the BIG attack.

Damn ants are so persistent, one day I arrived home from school to find out that there was a huge trail all around a corner of my room and onto my desk (I forgot what they were going after). If I remember correctly, I had a pretty bad day coming home that night and I was infuriated by the trail of ants and the scene of millions of them crawling around the edges of my windows (kinda creepy).

Anyhow, I was really upset! I went down stair and grabbed a bottle of RAID and basically walked back up stair and started spraying the crap out of them (probably used up at least half of the whole can). Thinking about this still incenses me to this day!

After that, I sat right down on my chair and continued surfing the Internet in the slowly dissipating cloud of RAID (Damn, I was crazy, I did open the windows though and turned on the fan). I hope I didn’t mess up my lung too bad breathing in the RAID after-mist.

Anyway, the funny part is that all of the remnants of dead ants and the RAID are still left as they were on the edges of my windows to this day. And you know what? I haven't seen single ant that has "wandered" back into my room since then. I now called the edges of my windows the Hiroshima of ants. The reason I left it there is to remind the ants not to ever come back and try to take over my room again or else they’ll have to face the consequences again…ok…maybe that’s not entirely true….maybe I’m just too lazy to actually clean it up….but for a while that was my justification for not cleaning it up! :rolleyes:

Time to get some sleep early for once. See ya all later.

Posted by Son at September 17, 2004 03:25 AM
pete - September 17, 2004 09:17 AM

that's a funny story son. i think the raid fumes did have an effect on you thought. :wink:

as for hating're suppose to love them're a UCI anteater now! :smile:

Kristine - September 17, 2004 02:09 PM

Asians don't play tennis! lol j/k

Son - September 17, 2004 02:25 PM

Thanks Pete, you are right. I think the fumes did have some effects, if not a lot, on me afterall. (fume! that's the word I was looking for last night but too lazy to look it up).

Yeah I'm going to be an anteater again soon...well I guess I'm supposed to love to eat them! and in my case, I killed them.

I do actually like ants, it's just not when they D-Day my space.

Son - September 17, 2004 02:28 PM

Kristine...I was laughing pretty hard reading that out-of-nowhere comment of your just now.

But before laughing off my head, I had to go back and try to search for the word "tennis" in my post...

I wasn't sure if I had wrote about it and forgot or this is truely the most random comment ever...hahahahaha.

Ced - September 18, 2004 02:30 AM

you ant killer...... ahah as far as the raid...thank god you inhaled some....otherwise you would be at NASA by now...

Darren - September 18, 2004 03:19 AM

hehehe yeah better watch out for those NASA folks... um hmm. :smile:
That's an amusing story Son, no wonder they don't bother to drink from your humidifier during the summer...haaaaaaw Oh yeah, nice ww2 theme in this's going into my archives of COOL blogs hahaha good times!