September 03, 2004

Pretty Clouds

I just got back from UCI about an hour ago at around 4:30 AM. Man, I am worn out!

I had a great time today with some of my old UCI friends. We went and visit one of my friends' neices and family down in San Diego today. The drive was pretty long but it's all good. Took a bunch of random pictures with the borrowed camera from work and my super duper 512 MB Compact Flash card.

At first, taking pictures at a mediocre resolution, I had over 800 slots of picture. I then realized that it's not humanly possible to take that many "random" pictures in one night, so I raised the resolution to high and still had about 400 something slots of picture to take. Anyhow, I did my very best to take as many random pictures of places as possible.

Later on today, Friday, I will try to borrow a card reader from work to download all these pictures onto my computer so I can upload it to my gallery, then everyone can see where I was!

I ate so much chinese food today, I think I have gained back all the weight I've lost in the past few weeks. So much seafood and greasy peking ducks!

The clouds were pretty in a mysterious way tonight. They moved so quickly throughout the sky making the moon look like as if it was playing peeky boo with those who were looking at it. I had a few pictures of the clouds to show you once I get a chance to upload it.

That's it for me tonight or early morning, I'm out! So tired and sleepy and worn out.

By the way, I have newly established a "target" in UCIrvine that I have to achieved! Those who know me might know what it is.

Good day and good night/morning/noon/afternoon.

Posted by Son at September 3, 2004 06:19 AM