I went down to Irvine today to drop by at Darren's place for a BBQ going away party for So. So's going back to Japan for good this coming Tuesday. It was one crazy BBQ party. I actually had to do some real BBQing tonight to help out Darren while he left for a while to pick up an extra grill (which we ended up not even needing it after all).
I'm such a bad BBQ'er. I was BBQing some chickens and it took about 40 minutes for them to be cooked and even then, the insides were a bit bloody...hehe...until Kieto realized that the damn cooking grids weren't lowered down low enough for the burning charcoal to heat up the chickens good enough. But wow! when we did realized our mistake, and lowered the cooking grid, the chickens started to burn badly...hehe...we were so bad, it's not even funny.
Nonetheless, I let Si-Fu BBQ'er Darren take over when he did decide to come back with the extra grill after approximately 40 minutes. Anyhow, the party went on until midnight. Never have I seen so many Japanese people in one room! It was fun though. Yoichiro, Makoto, and So did got a little too drunk and started jumping around like some crazy monkeys...hahah.
We then went to Zipangu down in Costa Mesa for party #2. Well...most of us got there a bit late though and the restaurant closed at 2 AM. Anyway...I'm not going to bore you with more details...I'll upload some pictures up when So and the girls find some time to send me the pictures they took with their digital cameras (yeah...I forgot to bring my camera with me and was too lazy to pick it up from my car).
After one long afternoon and night, and many many interesting conversations, we all went home. Crazy Darren is going south to TJ in a few hours...have fun yo...don't have too much fun though...you know what I mean. I'm not THAT crazy YET to join you in TJ.
Have a safe flight back to Japan, So. I'll be visiting you and Makoto in a few years...hehe.
Anyhow...just want to let everyone know if you don't know it yet...that it's the last weekend of the the summer season...weeee it's going to get cooler from now on...hopefully.