September 21, 2004


Talk about coincidence...going through my messy desk tonight and cleaning whatever I can off of it...I came upon a few Super Lottery tickets that I have bought over the months. And like always, I have no hope for these random quickpick tickets.

Anyways, after checking a few tickets with the website...I started to lose hope...well I didn't have any to begin with. Then I started using the nifty Winning Number Search on that website for my last few tickets that I haven't checked. And guess what, one of my very last tickets matched up 2 + Mega numbers!

Click on the picture to see the result...20, 34 and 18...Woohoo...I actually won 10 bucks for the very first time since like high school....and no...since I didn't win the jackpot (yesterday post)...I won't be drinking anytime soon! I come...soon enough...ok....maybe not.

I was one out of 53,369 people who won 10 dollars on that day! Now I have about a month left to cash it.

*I felt a short earthquake last night while playing the piano/keyboard...maybe around was for like a brief second.

Posted by Son at September 21, 2004 06:15 AM
jeremy - September 21, 2004 08:30 AM

lotteries are fixed, its all a clever ruse to destroy mans hope and ambition, so that "the Man" can keep us repressed. Duh.

Son - September 21, 2004 02:55 PM

It's ok if they are fixed as long as "the Man" let me win every now and then it's all good!

Devin - September 27, 2004 02:34 AM

You won, we drink the next time I am down

Son - September 27, 2004 04:46 AM

Hahah alright Devin...sure thing.