May 13, 2005

Deeprun Tram!

My first time at Deeprun Tram tonight with the rest of the guildies! Seaworld! We own that place for a while! Stupid alliance and their inventions! Why do us Horde have such crappy towns...especially with Ogrimmar's two entrances that can be breached at any time! Here is one of the screenshots I took during the raid.

Waiting for the tram ride to arrive. Killed many alliances while waiting! :smile:

Choose "Spanish" from the drop down box and wait for it to load up. Then click the little PLAY button! Enjoy! :smile:

SALSSSSA!!! I don't think anybody would recognize the name of the singer...he's pretty famous. He's one of my favorite latin singers. His stylized spanish ballad singing is so cool! If you can guess it right! Dinner's on me! :wink:

Posted by Son at May 13, 2005 01:33 AM
Darren - May 13, 2005 05:30 AM

Darren wants that spanish song! :twisted:

Son - May 13, 2005 11:05 AM

And Son will hook you up with the whole CD! :cool:

Lily - May 13, 2005 11:17 PM

hm.. I dunno if last journal someone pretend to me or what.. but just checking Lilly is not me right??

btw I guess you owe me dinner cuz I know that singer =)

Son - May 13, 2005 11:28 PM

Hey Lily, that's not you in the last post, Lilly is someone else! You cheating cuban! Unfair advantage! :lol:

Eve - May 13, 2005 11:54 PM

gosh son, you are such a nerd. hahah... it was good to hang out with you today. and thanks for playing with jessie when i was trying to do my project. she loves uncle son! ;D

David - May 14, 2005 02:05 AM

Leeroy is famous!

David - May 14, 2005 02:06 AM

What on earth

Son - May 14, 2005 03:37 AM

Eve, no prob. Jessie wore me out good today though. :smile: Yeah, it was good hanging out with you today too, if you can, send me the pictures you took from your camera. I forgot to ask you about it before you left. If you don't get this message soon, I'll give you a call later about it.

David, wow, I can't believe Leeroy is so famous now! We should've done that too and make Baronfranks famous instead! Let's go pull a Baronfranks! :mrgreen: