October 16, 2005


Okay I lied! The commenting feature still works for the time being. It has been so busy lately that I probably won't have the time to upgrade or update this blog. Maybe at the end of this year, I will find more time...hopefully...Anyhow, this quarter has been the worse in term of workload. I can't wait to Christmas! Wait that sounds like what I said a year ago as Derek pointed it out talking to me online a few minutes ago. But this time! It's a different kind of crappiness...or maybe the same...ahhh whatever(!)...anyhow, no time to sit here and figure out if it's really the same or not!

So to everyone I haven't called or contacted lately...I'm either at work, in class, trying to pay attention or reading for my classes. I'll come back every now and then to write more!

And also thanks to Allison for trying to take care and cook for me lately! :smile:

Posted by Son at October 16, 2005 12:37 AM
Allison - October 16, 2005 10:50 AM

My poor baby... I'm doing my best to make sure you get through this quarter with your sanity intact!!! I hope my cooking and taking care of you is good enough... I'm trying!!!

Oh, and to everyone that Son isn't calling or anything... it's not my fault!!! Hehe Son barely has time to do anything outside of work, school and homework... I have to force him to eat and sleep!!! Sheesh!!! :roll:

I love you Son!!!

Derek - October 18, 2005 08:22 PM

Buttonnose, you're taking up waay too much of his time....he's gotta be free for the rest of us ya know! :wink: jkjk

stop complaining, Son! jk haha. it's nice to know that some things'll never change. Except your nicknames -- they keep piling up, Bourne! Ssssssooonnnaaayyyy. :grin:

glad to hear you're productive man. i have you to look up to. if only we were studying together!

Anonymous - December 19, 2005 09:11 AM
